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What is a GIG of Data?

August 02, 2023

Websites, music and video streaming services use varying amounts of data. Here's what you can stream with 1 GB of usage.

One of the most common (and often misunderstood) terms when it comes to smartphones and data plans is gigabyte — commonly abbreviated as a gig or GB. The technical definition of the word (“1 billion bytes") probably doesn't help explain what i it means. So let's further define gigabyte and put it into context.

What Is a Gigabyte?

A gigabyte is a measurement of data. It can describe the capacity of a storage device or the amount of data you download. Each gigabyte consists of 1 billion bytes that are used by social media, video and other data-driven mobile activity.

How Much Content Can You Stream with One Gigabyte?

There's no precise formula for how much of that data will fit into one gigabyte. We live in a streaming world, whether you're looking to listen to music, watch a movie or check the news. The exact amount of gigabytes used to stream content will depend on the website, or streaming service you're using.

Watching a video in IMAX quality or 4K, for instance, requires a lot more data than SD or HD. And music streaming services have high quality stream offerings that can also impact your data usage.


Here are some examples of how you might consume a gigabyte of data:

  • Listen to about 22 hours of music on a streaming service.
  • Stream 1-2 episodes of a TV series or one movie.
  • Scroll through TikTok, Instagram, Facebook or other social sites for 20 minutes.
  • Shop online for 40 minutes.

How Can You Optimize Your Data Plan?

Choosing the right cell phone data plan is key to maximizing your mobile budget. If you mainly use your phone for calls and texts, you probably don't need an unlimited data plan.

Cox Mobile offers two data plans: Pay as you Gig and GIG Unlimited. Both plans offer 5G network access and include unlimited talk and text. You can switch plans at any time, depending on your data usage.


Remember that sites loaded with images and video will use more gigabytes than text-heavy sites. What you can control is the quality of any video or audio stream. If you're consuming that media on your phone, you probably don't need to use high quality settings — and can stretch your data by switching to a lower setting.


Connecting over wifi while using your mobile phone at home or in another place is another way to stretch your data plan because you won't be charged for data usage while using wifi.


One gigabyte may not last long, but if you're careful about how and where you utilize your smartphone data, it doesn't have to vanish in a heartbeat.


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