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4 Reasons to Bring Your Own Phone (BYOP)

June 09, 2023

As you shop for the best cell phone plans, you may discover many benefits in switching mobile carriers — lower prices, greater coverage, higher speeds, etc.

But once you pick a new carrier, you have to make another decision right away: Should you bring your own phone (BYOP) or buy a new one? The best choice for you will depend on your budget and priorities, but this guide will help you understand the advantages of bringing your own device, including cost savings, familiarity, environmental impact and flexibility.


1. Save Money If You Bring Your Own Phone

The most practical benefit of BYOP is not having to purchase a brand new phone, which can save you hundreds of dollars. Even financing plans that let you pay over time ultimately add up to the full price of a new phone. On average, people upgrade phones every two to three years, and if you're still within that range on your current phone, you may want to consider saving some money and keeping your existing device when you switch carriers.

2. Keep the Phone You Know and Love

If you love your phone, why not keep it? Personalization is a key part of what makes your phone yours — the apps you choose, the wallpaper, settings, case, etc. With a new phone you'll have to transfer most of these over and redo a few. There's also usually a learning curve with a new device. Bringing your own phone lets you transition seamlessly without having to adapt to features and functions. You also don't need to transfer data, contacts or settings, saving you time and frustration.

3. Reduce Environmental Impact

Choosing to BYOP helps the environment. Both manufacturing and disposing of electronic devices create a significant environmental footprint in the form of electronic waste. By reusing your existing phone, you actively reduce electronic waste. Additionally, BYOP eliminates the packaging and transportation demand that comes with buying a new device, further reducing your carbon footprint.

4. Stay Flexible

BYOP offers greater flexibility when it comes to switching mobile plans. With Cox Mobile, for example, you just need to check your device compatibility and unlock it from your current provider to switch. This way, you can select the right plan for you without worrying about the added cost of paying for a new phone.


The Advantages of BYOP

If you're thinking about switching mobile carriers, bringing your own phone offers a number of advantages, especially if you're happy with your current one. From cost savings and device familiarity to reducing environmental impact and seamless plan switching, BYOP lets you stay in control, keeping the phone and number you love while allowing you to focus on the best service for your needs.


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