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#CoronaKindness: Stories to Stay Inspired

December 01, 2020

Inspirational stories of people helping people in a time of crisis.


After two months of shutdowns and stay-at-home orders due to the novel coronavirus, some areas of the country are beginning to lift restrictions. As this is an unprecedented situation, there's no instruction manual for getting the U.S. up and running. Safety guidelines are different depending on where you live, and government recommendations are constantly changing. But one thing remains constant: human kindness and compassion. Now more than ever, we need each other, that is clear. Difficult times often bring out the best in people, and we're taking note. Here are this week's top #CoronaKindness moments. 


Keeping Little Ones Busy


Almost every single American is affected by the current pandemic. From financial issues to social isolation, many adults are finding it tough to cope. But how are our children faring? Young kids are being kept at home, away from their friends and preschools, most likely bored out of their minds (here are some ways to help with that), yet without a full understanding of why this is all happening.


Some parents are getting creative with projects: Luca, 3, and Petra, 5, spent the day planting wild flowers. Expert DIY mom @big.little.loves gave her little ones an adorable "tea-pee party" in their front lawn. Meanwhile 10-year-old Paige Okray spent hours creating her own clear plastic "hug curtain" so that she could safely embrace her grandparents — how sweet! 


Looking for more ways to engage your youngsters at home? North Carolina-based @rootswingsarts is offering a virtual creativity summer camp for kids ages 3 and up.


Helping Students Connect Online


Young children may be tough to entertain, but teens have their own host of coronavirus-related issues. As kids get older, their social lives become paramount to their happiness, so staying isolated can really impact them. In addition, schoolwork becomes much more important and intense, and with most programs switching to online learning, high school students are expected to navigate some pretty major transitions. 


Additionally, not all teens have access to the Internet and up-to-date computers, which is now more necessary than ever to complete coursework. That's why @jamesstorehousegifted computer equipment to a home with three students in need. 


Another major bummer for high schoolers? Because of social distancing guidelines, this year's seniors won't get the grand send-off they've worked so hard for. In an attempt to spread a little joy, teen-led non-profit @joinnest is mailing out congratulatory cards to 2020 grads. 


Volunteer Showing the Way


First-responders and medical personnel are on the front lines daily, but there have also been scores of non-profits stepping up and helping out. These programs do essential work for their communities, and they rely heavily on volunteers. Vicky Dobbs has been having a blast helping out at @6stones, a coalition of churches and local businesses that provides community solutions. In Punjab, India, this 98-year-old woman is working tirelessly to make masks for those who can't afford them. Even kids are finding ways to use their abounding energy for good, like this young volunteer delivering kindness packages in the U.K. 


Want to get involved? @hunger_free_america is looking for volunteers to deliver meals to homebound seniors in New York City. Or contact the @unvolunteers for virtual opportunities to assist communities worldwide. Help is needed everywhere, so if you're healthy and able, check with local non-profit groups to see what opportunities are available. 


And don't forget to post your own inspirational stories by using the hashtag #CoronaKindness!


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