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Subscribing to a Streaming Subscription Service


  • Streaming subscriptions can be added or cancelled from the set-top device.
  • Agents cannot add or cancel subscriptions for customers.
  • A 7-day free trial is available for streaming subscriptions.
  • Subscriptions are billed month to month from the date ordered.
  • Refunds and prorates are not applied if cancelled.
  • Parental controls are available. See Managing Parental Controls for the Contour TV Receiver Apps.

Use the steps below when ordering streaming services for the Contour and Contour Stream Player services.


Access the applications screen on your Contour receiver. Use the voice remote to access the list of subscription services by saying Networks on Contour, or Apps on the Contour Stream Player. Refer to Accessing the Apps on a Contour Receiver.


Using the arrow buttons, highlight the streaming service to subscribe and press OK.

image of streaming fitness app selected


Using the arrow buttons, highlight Manage My Subscriptions, then press OK.

image of manage my subscriptions selected


Are you adding or removing a subscription?

  • If adding, then continue to the next step.
  • If removing, then go to step 6.

To subscribe to a streaming app, use the arrow buttons, select Subscribe, then press OK.

image of subscribe selected

Result: A pop-up window displays the confirmation of your order and you will see the charge on your next billing statement.

image of successful order


To unsubscribe to a streaming app, use the arrow buttons, select Unsubscribe, then press OK.

image of unsubscribe selected

Result: A pop-up window displays the confirmation of your cancellation.

image of successful order

For more details see Cancel Subscription from Streaming Subscription Service.

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