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Rebooting the Homelife Touchscreen


Follow the steps below to reboot the Homelife touchscreen.

You need to have your four-digit Master Keypad Code to reboot the touchscreen. If you cannot remember your Master Keypad Code, contact Cox Homelife support at 877-404-2568.


From the touchscreen home screen, tap the Settings icon.
image of the Homelife Touchscreen home screen highlihgtinh the Settings icon


Tap Settings.


Enter the master code.
image of master code


Tap Advanced Settings.
image of the Homelife Touchscreen home Security Settings menue highlihgtinh Advanced Settings

Complete the following steps.
  1. From the Advanced Settings menu, tap Reboot TouchScreen to bring up the Reboot TouchScreen prompt.
  2. From the Reboot TouchScreen prompt, tap Reboot TouchScreen.

    Result: A message displays confirming reboot. The screen takes one to two minutes to reboot. Once the reboot is complete, the touchscreen home screen displays.

Enter the Master Code again.

Note: A message displays confirming the reboot. The screen takes one - two minutes to reboot. Once the reboot is complete, the Touchscreen home screen displays.


Did restarting the touchscreen resolve your issue as expected?

  • If no, then additional troubleshooting is required. Contact us for more assistance.
  • If yes, then the device should now function as expected.

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