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Changing Your Password on Cox.com


Cox continues to support existing customers with Cox Email; however, we no longer offer the ability for new and existing Cox Internet customers to create new Cox Email accounts.

Your Cox.com password is used with your User ID to log into personalized Cox webpages, such as My Bill, Voice Tools, and My Account. Use the following steps to change your password using My Profile.

Note: For information on creating a strong password, see Cox Password Requirements.


From the Cox.com homepage, click Sign In My Account.


Enter your User ID and Password.

Note: If you do not remember your User ID or Password, or experience an issue signing in, see Recover Your Cox User ID or Reset Your Cox Password.


Click the arrow on the Account section.

Image of MyAccount, My Profile link


Under Password & Security, click Update Password.

Image of My Profile, Update Password


Complete the following steps.

  1. Enter your Current Password.
  2. Enter a New Password.
  3. Click Save changes.

    Image of My Profile, Password change

    Result: A confirmation message displays advising the changes to the password have been saved.

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