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Changing Email Server Settings for Android


Use the following steps to update your Android Email app to secure port settings for sending Cox Email.

The images and steps below are for reference only. For more help using your Email app, contact your wireless provider.


To open your Email app, tap the Email icon.


Tap the Menu icon in the top-right corner.


From the drop-down menu, tap Settings.


From the Settings window, under the ACCOUNTS & SYNC section, tap on your Cox Email account.


Under the SERVER section, tap Outgoing server settings, then update the following.

  1. In the SMTP SERVER field, enter smtp.cox.net.
  2. In the SECURITY TYPE drop-down menu, ensure SSL is selected.
  3. In the PORT NUMBER field, delete 25 or 587, and then enter 465.

image of the outgoing server settings section being updated


In the Sign-in required field, use the slider button to enable, then update the following.

  1. In the USERNAME field, enter the first part of your Cox Email address, excluding @cox.net.
  2. In the PASSWORD field, enter your Cox Email password.

image of sign-in required fields being updated


Tap Save.


  • If Cox Email will not send after updating the outgoing server settings, then reset your password at www.cox.com/password and update the password in your email client and all related applications.
  • Cox recommends using the latest software version of third-party email clients. If your email client is an older version, we recommend you update the software to the latest version to ensure the most secure experience. If you need assistance updating your email client, then contact the manufacturer.
  • To validate all other settings, refer to Email Server Settings.

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