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Arm and Disarm Your Cox Homelife System With the Wireless Keypad


Use the following information to arm and disarm your Centralite Wireless Keypad.

Centralite Wireless Keypad

Arming the System

Use the following to arm the system.

Note: Ensure the system is in the ready state with all active zones closed, and the green LED on the keypad lit, before arming.

  1. Press the desired mode button.

    Arm Away Button Arm Away Mode - Use this mode when no one is on the premises.

    Arm Stay Button Arm Stay Mode - Use this mode when the home is still occupied.

    Arm Night Button Arm Night Mode - Use this mode when everyone is in for the night.

  2. Enter a valid keypad code.

    Result: The arming status selected starts to blink and the keypad makes an audible tone indicating that the arming state has started.

Note: When there are 10 seconds left before arming, the beeping of the keypad increases in frequency until the system is armed.

Disarming the System

Enter a valid keypad code within the 30 second allotted time.

Important: When a delayed zone is opened before the system is disarmed, the keypad blinks and beeps to indicate that you have 30 seconds to disarm the system before the alarm sounds.

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