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Setting up Hunt Group Rules



Are you creating, deleting, or editing a rule?

  1. Click the Add Hunt Group Rule link.

    Note: The number of licenses or allowable groups is listed in the feature description above the link.

  2. Click the Rule Type radio button for Hunt Group.
  3. Continue to the next step.
  1. Click the Delete link next to the rule.
  2. From the Delete Rule window, click the Delete button.

All steps complete.

  1. Click the Edit link next to the rule.

    Note: The number of licenses or allowable groups is listed in the feature description above the link.

  2. Proceed to step 3.

Click the Show General Hunt Group Rule Settings link.


Enter or update the Hunt Group Name as needed.

  1. Click the radio button to select Directory Number Hunt or Pilot Number Hunt.
    • In a Pilot Number Hunt, click the Phone Number drop-down menu and select the phone number provided by your account representative.
    • In a Directory Number Hunt, the Hunt Group Extension automatically matches the last four digits of the provided phone number.
    • In both, the number can be edited.
  2. Click the Account drop-down menu and select the account to which to add the rule.
  3. Click the Time Zone drop-down menu to select the timing to apply to the rule.
  4. Click the Rollover Order link to select how unanswered calls forward to members of the group.
  5. Click the Yes or No radio buttons to Allow Call Waiting.

For No Answer Settings, click the Roll Over After checkbox.

  1. Click the drop-down menu to select the desired number of rings from 1 to 20, or click the After checkbox and enter the number of seconds to wait before forwarding the call.
  2. Click the adjacent drop-down menu to select Forward to Cox VoiceMail or Forward to another number.

    Note: If clicking Forward to another number, enter a number in the field provided.

  3. Click the Save and Continue button.

For the Calling Line ID Settings: section, select the appropriate option.

  • Click Use system default CLID to keep the calling ID established for the group.
  • Click Customize the Calling Line ID for this Hunt Group to enter a custom first name and last name for the calling ID.
Set the Not Reachable Settings using the steps below.
  1. Click the Enable Call Forwarding Not Reachable checkbox to turn on call forwarding not reachable for the Hunt Group.
  2. In the Forward to field, enter the phone number.

Click the Show Hunt Group Users link to add or edit users in a group.

  1. Click on names from the Available Users list.
    • Click the Add or Add All button to move one or all to the Assigned Users list.
    • Click the Remove or Remove All button to remove users from the Assigned Users list and return them to Available Users.
    • To find a user that is not in the Available Users list, in the Search field, enter the user's first name, last name, or phone number.
  2. Click the Save and Continue button.
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With the new and improved MyAccount portal from Cox Business, you’re in control. Included with your Cox Business services, it’s all right at your fingertips anytime, anywhere. 


  • Perform a health check on your services and reset your equipment
  • Easily configure key features and settings like voicemail and call forwarding
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